"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:

to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It Sucks!

Sometimes the only appropriate response to something is "It sucks!" When asked certain questions, that response is simply the only response that will accurately reflect how I feel , and I am so thankful to have friends who realize and appreciate that.
My grandfather Dan died one week and a half ago, Saturday, March 13, 2010, at 6:08 pm, and all I have to say is "It sucks!" And I mean this with all my heart. The thought of him not being here sucks! Yes, I know that he is in heaven living it up with Jesus right now not suffering at all, and that is great and awesome and wonderful, but him not being here simply sucks. The thought of not being able to talk to him or hear him tell stories, and see him fall asleep in the middle of telling a story sucks!
Seeing him take care of Pat (my grandmother, we call them Pat and Dan), riding around with him in Enterprise while he tells me about everything we pass, hearing him laugh, hugging his neck, telling him I love him...not being able to do any of these things anymore just SUCKS!

My grandfather was and always will be one of the most amazing men to gracefully walk this Earth. He was smart, honest, athletic, kind, loving, funny, and much much more. He used to write letters and numbers on my back and get me to guess what he was writing. He would do this for what seemed like hours, and I loved it! I miss him, and there is nothing that anyone can do about it. A week and a half ago, my response was tears, rivers of these uncontrolable tears. But now after the rivers of my face have dried up and gone away, I have but only one response left about Dan's death, "it sucks!" It really really sucks!

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