"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:

to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27

Monday, November 15, 2010

Willing heart!

One willing heart...that's all i want! One willing heart...that's all I need! One willing heart...that's all I have! One willing heart...that's all!

WAIT...no, that just sounds ridiculous...CRAZY even. Ok Ok, I give up! One person can't change the world. Childish thoughts of a dreamer. How often have I deceived myself? Stopped myself from believing? Way to many to count, I'm afraid. I know better! I'm a Christian. Of course one willing heart can change the world! One heart DID! THANK YOU JESUS!!!! Good Lawd woman get a grip on yourself... how often you forget! Well, if this past year has taught me anything, it is that I can not afford to forget anymore. Really...I can't! (welcome to my conversations with me!)

Now Jesus and I , we're close. He's for real everywhere I go, making himself at home. I'll be trying to figure things out on my own, and He loves me enough to be like...I'm here...just waiting for you to talk to me. And you know, when I start talking, He's there listening. And He even starts talking back. I tell Him..."God I don't hear you. If you're whispering...You know everything, so You know I'm deaf. I need You to be dramatic with me here b/c I'm afraid I won't hear You otherwise." So He answers me, with a big slap in the face...and I mean this in a good way!

Now before I go any further, I would like to take out a disclaimer that I do realize that Jesus and I are polar opposites...like day and night, or sugar and salt, perhaps good and evil, or more like perfect and...NOT even close! You get the point. I just wanted to make myself clear before anyone started thinkin I was trying get up on His well deserved pedestal. Never gonna happen...I KNOW this! However, thanks to His willing heart, mine can be and is willing too. Yeah sure...mine is more often unwilling than I like to admit, but you see, God and I, we've teamed up and we're working on that. And now my broken selfish heart is willing.

Willing to admit that I basically suck (Jordan if you read this, i know you approve of my choice of wording here:) without HIM! Willing to admit that I need HIM for everything. Willing to admit that life is better with HIM. It doesn't matter if times are good or times are bad. These times are better with Him. I am sufficant in Him. So...Like the song says, "In the morning when I rise...Give me Jesus! You can have all this world...Give me Jesus!" "When I am alone...Give me Jesus!" When I come to die...Give me Jesus!"

Willing hearts CAN change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but someone's world! And the more willing hearts we have, the more worlds we can change. So won't you join me in willing your heart to HIM! It's the coolest thing you'll ever do! I promise...No crosses count!

To my friends and family WITH willing hearts...Thank you!
And THANK GOD for willing hearts!!!!!

As my soon to be sister Natasha said,

Love you! Kiss you!
Taryn Lia

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